Many people can easily comprehend how to exit a building in normal conditions. But in an emergency situation, like a fire, earthquake, or any other natural disaster, normal tasks suddenly become difficult. A sudden darkness, loss of power, and fire smoke turn everything wickedest. Therefore, it’s become more important to keep escaping from a building – simple and easy. And glow in the dark exit signs and AODAdirection ground surface indicators are one way of lighting the way to safety. The Basics of Photoluminescent Exit Signs and Directional Ground Surface Indicators Photoluminescent exit signs and directional ground surface indicators are useful technology for usual or normal exits. They can glow without a dedicated power backup. They usually absorb the energy of light from normally well-lit surroundings – from a particular wavelength of light. Its glow diminishes after the charging light source is removed. Photoluminescent Signs Charge under Proper Lighting Photoluminescent exit si...