According to an estimate, over 1.3 billion worldwide live with visual impairment, suffering from moderate issues to total blindness. However, our society has created a different way for these people to get equal opportunities. One such tool valuable tool is called Surface Applied Detectable Warning System. What Are Tactile Warning Surfaces? Tactile warning surfaces are surfaces with a textured pattern designed to alert visually impaired people of a hazard or drop-off. These surfaces are typically made of raised dots or bars and are installed on the edges of sidewalks, platform edges, and other areas where there is a risk of falling. They are often used in conjunction with audio warning systems to provide information about the location and nature of the hazard. The purpose of tactile warning surfaces is to help prevent accidents and injuries by alerting visually impaired people to the presence of hazards that they might not otherwise be able to detect. Types of Dete...